Saturday, July 16, 2011

Wedding of the Year

Three weeks ago, i gained a new sister!  Mark and Corah finally got married in a speedy beautiful ceremony (in Astoria) followed by a fantastic celebration after.  The whole thing felt surreal, but it did really happen, and it was really perfect.

We started off the trip by first going over the super long bridge that separates Oregon and Washington just for fun, and because our room wasn't ready yet.  Then we ventured on to the Astoria Column for a spectacular but windy view of the entire area.  Which i didn't get a picture of (refer to hand held video recorder for that one).  The boys were such troopers, people were impressed on our way down finding out that they climbed the steps all the way up without any help.  We were pretty surprised too, i knew joey could do it but ian stepped up to the challenge as well.

We stayed two nights and the whole weekend was awesome, despite my apprehension about being trapped in a hotel bedroom with two young boys and an infant.  Especially since joe was in the wedding and i knew he would be occupied for some of the time.  The boys did great, even with their uptight mother snarling at them, YOu better not wake up your sleeping baby brother or else!  They thought the hotel was the coolest thing ever.  Joey's hilarious, he took his shoes off first thing when he stepped into the lobby.  Guess he figured it was like being in someone's house.  Just started walking around in his socks like it was normal.

Ian checking out the new digs
The hotel's death trap they called a "crib."  Yes that's a five inch gap between the mattress and the railing.

Best thing about the hotel was the trolley that runs directly behind it, boys took a ride into downtown with daddy.  Oliver and i walked to meet them for lunch a bit later.
Boys discovering the thrilling taste of Shirley Temples at Rehearsal dinner.

Mr. Chill enjoying the high life.

Getting some tub time in before the big event.  Notice the trolley tracks right outside the window!

This was my view during (free) breakfast in the morning.  Joe had taken the boys earlier while i fed oliver so i was able to come down after and eat ALONE.

And here she is, the STUNNING bride.

Barges coming in and out

All three were out cold as we arrived home.

Joe said his favorite part of the weekend was hearing all the compliments from people about how beautiful his family is.  I think joey said his favorite was the trolley, i'll have to ask him again.  Mine most definitely was gaining some important perspective, and being reminded of the treasure that i have in my own home.  I know a lot of parents who would have loved to go to a wedding like this and leave the kids at home, but God knew what i needed most was to have them there with us.  I think i was getting to the point where my children were becoming more of a burden to me rather than seeing them as the gifts from God that they are, and it was so refreshing to hear from so so many people over the weekend about how adorable they are and well behaved too.  Not that i needed a pat on the back or anything.  I am well aware of the danger that comes from seeing my children's weakness in behavior or personalities as a reflection of me.  And the flip-side of that is the temptation to think that if they turn out to be perfect well-behaved citizens that i am due all the credit for being an all-out awesome mom.  I pray often asking the Lord to cover my mistakes as a mother.  Only God alone will determine the future of my children.  My responsibility is to train them up in the way they SHOULD go, and the rest is between them and their savior.  Anyway, it was a nice wake-up call for me and my heart was able to refuel with love for my children before heading back into the monotony of diapers, dishes, and laundry.

You didn't really think all 5 of us could look at the camera at the same time did you?

Man!  Sooo close.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sista! Congrats on getting another sister!! More the merrier!!

    So, in the first picture (Joe's family) you look like royalty, sitting in the chair. I mean not only are you front and center and only one sitting, you look freaking amazing in that red dress!!! Hot freaking momma!

    It sounded like such a great weekend! Staying in a hotel is always a treat...for us 'camper-types'.

    I smiled so big when when you wrote joe's favorite part, love that he is such a proud papa ; ). This would be a good time to ask for a raise!! ; ). LOL okay speaking if that, I hear what you are saying and totally agree...but i think, you still deserve and should accept 'pats on the back'.

    I am so glad you got 'refueled', next time you are running on 'E' reread this blog (or go on vacation again!!).

    Can I just say, Ian looks unbelievable adorable in his little bow tie!! Freaking love it!! That last family picture was sooo close! But it's cuter with distracted little ones if you ask me ; )

